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1300 635 529 - Email Us
Level 2, 599 Malvern Road
Toorak, Vic 3142
What is a Family Violence Intervention Order(FVIO)?
Who can apply for a Family Violence Intervention Order?
How long does a Family Violence Intervention Order last?
Can I vary a Family Violence Intervention Order?
What happens if I breach a Family Violence Intervention Order?
What are my options if I am served with a Family Violence Intervention Order?
What is a Family
Who can apply
for a Family
How long
does a Family
Order last?
Can I vary
a Family
What happens
if I breach
a Family
Order ?
What are
my options
if I am served
with a Family
Contact us to arrange a free initial consultation with one of our Intervention Order lawyers.
We will advise you about your options and guide you through the process.
Level 2, 599 Malvern Road Toorak, Vic 3142
Expert family law advice you can trust to look out for your future
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legisiation.
© Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists. All rights reserved.
No Obligation, Confidential Consult
We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Vanessa Mathews is the founder and managing director of Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists, and has the rare combination of social work qualifications and experience, combined with nearly 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and mediator; it makes her approach to resolving legal relationship issues both sensible and sensitive.
She is a fully accredited family law specialist, mediator, family dispute resolution practitioner and parenting coordinator with a commerce degree – adding a financially astute aspect to her practice.
Vanessa has extensive experience in complex issues that arise from relationship breakdown, and works in partnership with her clients,
who regularly describe her as empathetic
Vanessa is an active member of the family law profession and
a member of the:
Vanessa and Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists
are regularly recognised as a ‘Leading Victorian Family
Lawyer’, ‘Recommended Family Law Mediator’ and a
‘Leading Victorian Family Law Firm’ by Doyle’s Guide to
the Australian Legal Profession.
Get Started With Vanessa
Vanessa Mathews is the founder and managing director of Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists, and has the rare combination of social work qualifications and experience, combined with nearly 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and mediator; it makes her approach to resolving legal relationship issues both sensible and sensitive.
She is a fully accredited family law specialist, mediator, family dispute resolution practitioner and parenting coordinator with a commerce degree – adding a financially astute aspect to her practice.
Vanessa has extensive experience in complex issues that arise from relationship breakdown, and works in partnership with her clients,
who regularly describe her as empathetic
Vanessa is an active member of the family law profession and
a member of the:
Vanessa and Mathews Family Law & Mediation Specialists
are regularly recognised as a ‘Leading Victorian Family
Lawyer’, ‘Recommended Family Law Mediator’ and a
‘Leading Victorian Family Law Firm’ by Doyle’s Guide to
the Australian Legal Profession.
Get Started With Vanessa